The Bylaws for the San Joaquin Valley Chapter of the California Land Surveyors Association are as follows. (Dated October 1994; Amended April 2000; Approved by the Parent Association May 13, 2000)
Article 1 - Name and Location
Section 1 - The name of this chapter shall be the "San Joaquin Valley Chapter of the California Land Surveyors Association". It shall herein after be called the Chapter.
Section 2 - The headquarters of this chapter shall be the office of the chapter secretary.
Article 2 - Objectives
The purpose of this Chapter shall be to promote the common good and welfare of the profession of Land Surveying, to promote and maintain the highest possible standards of professional ethics and practices, to promote professional uniformity, to promote public faith and confidence in the Professional Land Surveyors and their profession, and to support the California Land Surveyor Association, hereinafter referred to as the Parent Association, in all their undertakings.
Article 3 - Partisanship
This Chapter, in its activities and in its membership shall be non-partisan and non-sectarian.
Article 4 - Members
The application for membership shall become valid upon notification by the Chapter of acceptance of the application. The membership of the Chapter shall be as follows:
(a) - Regular Member: Any person who is licensed as a Land Surveyor or Photogrammetric Surveyor in the State of California and who is a Corporate member of the Parent Association, shall be eligible for membership in this Chapter as a Regular Member. Only Regular members shall have the right to vote on issues of the Parent Association.
(b) - Associate Member: Any person who holds a valid certificate as a Land Surveyor in Training shall be eligible for membership in the Chapter as an Associate Member.
(c) - Affiliate Member: Any person, interested in the field of surveying, but not licensed as a Land Surveyor or Photogrammetric Surveyor or does not hold a valid certificate as a Land Surveyor in Training, who in their profession or vocation relies upon the fundamentals of land surveying shall be eligible to apply for membership in this Chapter as an Affiliate Member. Such application must be endorsed by a Regular Member.
(d) - Sustaining Member: Any individual, company, or corporation who by their interest in the Land Surveying profession is desirous of supporting the purpose and objective of the Chapter shall be eligible for membership in this Chapter as a Sustaining Member. Acceptance of a sustaining member is in no way an Official Corporation endorsement of the product or services offered by the sustain member.
(e) - Student Member: Any person who is a student in a College or University and is actively pursuing a surveying education may be eligible for membership in this Chapter. The application for membership much be endorsed by a Regular Member.
(f) - Life Member: A Regular Member who is at least 62 years of age, has retired from active practice, has at least 12 years continuous membership in the Parent Association, or a member who has served honorably as a President of the Parent Association, shall be eligible for Life membership. The application for a Life Member must be approved by the Executive Board. Annual dues of such member are suspended beginning with the fiscal year following such membership.
Article 5 - Dues and Fees
Section 1 - Dues shall be payable annually in advance and shall become due on the first day of January of each year. They shall be paid directly to the Treasurer.
Section 2 - Dues, entrance fees and assessment shall be determined by the Executive Board annually. Dues and entrance fees shall not be less that the following:
Due Schedule
- Regular Member: $30.00
- Associate Member: $30.00
- Affiliate Member: $20.00
- Student Member: $0.00
- Sustaining Member: The fees and dues for a Sustaining Member shall be twice that of a Regular Member.
Section 3 - Membership of any person whose dues or assessment are one year in arrears shall terminate at the close of the fiscal year, unless extension is granted by the Executive Board.
Article 6 - Membership
Section 1 - Application for membership shall be in a form prescribed by the Executive Board. The Executive Board shall verify the qualification of the applicant.
Section 2 - A member may be expelled or suspended form the Chapter for willful disregard of the Chapter principles and purposes or for conduct detrimental to the Chapters' welfare. Expulsion or suspension shall require a three-fifths vote of the entire executive Board. Thirty day's notice shall be given to the offending member in order that he/she may be present and heard at the hearing on such action.
Article 7 - Officers an Executive Board
Section 1 - The Chapter shall have as elective officers, a President, who is a licensed surveyor in the State of California, a Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer, elected from the general membership. The chapter representative(s) shall be elected according to the by-laws of the Parent Association, and shall be a Corporate Member of CLSA as well as a member of the chapter. The immediate past president is also an officer. The officers shall be installed annually at the last meeting of the year. The period of occupancy shall not be limited in regard to the number of successive terms.
Section 2 - The Executive Board shall consist of the officers of the Chapter and the representative(s) to the Parent Association. The President of the Chapter shall act as Chairman of the Board.
Section 3 - Vacancies in the elective offices occurring during the year shall be filled for the unexpired term by appointment of the Executive Board.
Section 4 - The Executive Board shall arrange for regular or special meetings of the chapter, to be not less than four times a year.
Section 5 - Four members of the Executive Board shall constituted a quorum for the transaction of business, and their decision shall be governed by a simple majority vote, unless otherwise stipulated by the By-laws.
Section 6 - No member of the Executive Board shall receive a salary or compensation, except for expenses incurred in behalf of the Chapter, as approved by the Board.
Section 7 - Duties and powers of officers:
(a) - The President shall have the general supervision of the affairs of the Chapter, preside at all meeting of the Chapter and of the Executive Board at which the President may be present, shall select the chairman of all standing committees, and may appoint special committees of which he shall be an ex officio member. The President shall represent the Chapter upon official occasions.
(b) - The Vice President shall preside at the meetings of the Chapter or of the Executive Board in the absence of the President and discharge his duties in case of a vacancy in the office of President. The Vice President shall also serve as the Alternate Representative to the Parent Association.
(c) - The Secretary under the direction of the President and the Executive Board shall be expected to attend all meetings of the Chapter and of the Executive Board and duly record the proceeding thereof. The Secretary shall conduct the correspondence of the Chapter, and keep full record of the same.
(d) - The Treasurer shall receive all monies, dues and fees, and deposit same in the name of the Chapter. The Treasurer shall invest all funds not needed for current disbursement as shall be ordered by the Executive Board. The Treasurer shall pay all bills, when certified and audited, as provided by these by-laws and the rules prescribed by the Executive Board. The Treasurer shall carefully examine all expenditures and use the Treasurer's best endeavor to secure economy in the administration of the Chapter. The Treasurer shall personally certify the accuracy of all bills and vouchers on which money is to be paid. All money drawn form the treasury must be in orders approved by the President an signed by the Treasurer. The Treasurer may be bonded in such amount as the Board may require.
(e) - The Executive Board shall have the general management of the affairs of the Chapter in conformity to its by-laws. It shall appoint all standing committees and may appoint special committees. Directly, or through its committees it shall direct the investment and care of funds of the Chapter; make disbursement and special appropriations for specific purposes; act upon applications for membership and upon expulsions as provided in these by-laws; take measures to advance the interest of the Chapter; have charge and manage all properties of the Chapter; direct the publications of the Chapter; and fill vacancies in unexplored terms of Officers and Directors. It shall make an annual report to the Chapter and Parent Association at the annual meeting.
Article 8 - Administration
The management of the Chapter's business and fiscal affairs shall be vested in the Executive Board who shall have complete authority to act for the Chapter being restricted in the actions only by the by-laws of the Chapter.
Article 9 - Committees
The Executive Board may appoint the following standing committees, consisting of Regular or other members of the Chapter.
- By-laws Committee
- Education Committee
- Legislative Committee
- Nominating Committee
The Executive Board may appoint any such additional standing committees as may be required.
Article 10 - Meetings
Section 1 - Special meetings may be called by the President or Executive Board when they shall deem it wise and expedient. Special meetings shall also be called at the written request of six (6) Regular members, which request shall state the purposed of such meeting. The call for any such special meeting shall be issued ten (10) days in advance, and shall state the purposed thereof, and no other business shall be taken up as such meeting.
Section 2 - The Executive Board shall determine that program and nature of business of all meetings, unless otherwise provided in the by-laws.
Section 3 - The order of business for Regular Meeting shall be as follows:
- Reading of the minutes of the previous meeting.
- Report of the Secretary.
- Report of the Treasurer.
- Report of the standing committees.
- Report of the special committees.
- Report to the Student Representative.
- Announcement of elections of new members.
- Unfinished business.
- New business.
- Technical papers an and discussion.
- Announcement of election and installation of officers for the ensuing years (annual meeting only).
- Adjournment
Section 4 - The latest edition of Robert-Rules-of-Order shall be accepted by the Chapter on all question of parliamentary law.
Section 5 - A report will be made to the membership within 60 days of all business transacted at all general and special meetings.
Section 6 - A quorum a the annual, regular or special meetings shall consist of those who attend the meeting. A simple majority will be required to carry any motion unless otherwise specified in these by-laws.
Article 11 - Amendments
These by-laws may be amended from time to time. All proposed amendments to the by-laws much be approved by the Association. In the event of conflict between the Chapter by-laws and the Association by-laws, the Association by-laws shall prevail. Any proposed amendment shall be submitted in writing at a regular meeting to the Executive Board. They shall instruct the Secretary to prepare and mail a copy of such to each Regular Member and instruct the Regular member to indicate rejection or approval of such amendment and return same to the Secretary within 30 days. The adoption of said amendments shall require an affirmative vote of two-thirds of such votes cast. The Secretary shall notify each Regular Member accordingly.
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