Saturday, October 27, 2007

Website, Blog & Discussion Group

The Blog is up and running and I've set up a Google Group for the Chapter. Hopefully, this will help us discuss things throughout the month rather than just having a cram session every month at our Chapter meetings.

At this point, the Chapter in online in three places: The website, this Blog, and the discussion group. I'd like to get them all together at some point, but for now, let's just see if they work at all.

My idea for it all is this: the WEBSITE will remain (mostly) as it is, fairly static in nature. It is the Chapter's primary online presence, and will represent the Chapter to the surveying community at large, and the world for that matter. (There are some updates in the works for the website, but they are still a few months away from being presentable.)

This BLOG will be used as more of an ongoing way for the Chapter to present up-to-date information to the Chapter members. Chapter reports & minutes, State reports and other notable information can be posted for the Chapter's review as it happens. The blog also hosts polls for the Chapter members, and information feeds (updated daily) from various trade magazines (POB & American Surveyor) linking to their most current stories. Right now, only the Chapter Officers can post to the blog (that may change), but the Chapter members can post comments to any of the blog posts. The blog is private, for members only, and is not listed on any blog lists, however anyone who navigates to it can read it.

The GOOGLE GROUP is a discussion group to be used by all of the members of the Chapter. We often have good discussions at our Chapter meeting about things that are concerning us as a group (ie.: the blue border discussion), and I've seen those discussion continue in the parking lot after our meeting. This group will be a way for us to contine those discussions with each other thoroughout the month. Any member of the discussion group can post and/or reply. (Please keep the flames to a minimum.) The group is private, for members only, and is not listed on any public group lists, however anyone who navigates to it can read it.

With both the Blog & discussion group, you will need a google account to participate. It is as simple as an email address and a password. I chose Google for a couple of reasons. First, it's free - the Chapter is not being charged for the blog or the discussion group. Second, Google accounts are unbeliveably functional and they're spam free.

I'm not sure how it will ultimately work at this point. I don't expect the Blog & discussion group to replace the website, only to augment and add to it. Time will tell how it all comes togther for everyone. If you have any comments, suggestions, criticisms, etc., let me know. I'll see what I can do.

- Kevin

Thursday, October 11, 2007

The Votes Are In!

The 2008 Chapter Officers for the San Joaquin Valley Chapter of the California Land Surveyor's Associationwere announced at the October 11th meeting.

In no particular order, they are:

Kevin Nehring - President/Treasurer
Robert 'Bob' Greene - Vice President
Brad Luken - Secretary
Ted Kerber - State Representative
James 'JT' Temple - Alt. State Representative/Immediate Past President

Tuesday, September 25, 2007


The Mailing discussed at the September meeting were mailed out today. Included in the packet was a 2008 Membership application and a questionaire/survey. The 2007 membership also was sent a ballot for the 2008 officers.

Friday, September 14, 2007

2008 Chapter Nominees

Nominations for the 2008 Chapter Officers were held at the Chapter Meeting last night.

The nominees are:

President: Kevin Nehring
Vice President: Robert Greene (Incumbent)
Secretary: Brad Luken

Chapter Representative: Ted Kerber
Alternate Chapter Representative: James 'JT' Temple

There were no nominees for the office of treasurer, but Kevin Nehring, Treasurer for 2007, would continue the Treasurer's duties if necessary.

The nominations were not closed during the meeting and are still open to anyone qualified & willing. Ballots will be mailed to the general membership and others on the Chapter mailing list early next week. The votes for nominees, along with write-in votes, will be counted at the October 11 Chapter meeting.

Thursday, August 9, 2007

August 2007 - Chapter Meeting Minutes

July Meeting Minutes
August 9, 2007
Andiamo Restaurant
Clovis, CA

· The meeting was called to order at 6:37 p.m. 14 People present
· Secretary's report was approved with corrected spelling error
· The Treasurer’s Report was approved, there is $4,518.04 in the checking account, and 2 new members joined last month.


· Congratulations to the new licensed surveyor’s who just passed the PLS exam.

Chapter Rep’s Report

· CLSA Board of Directors meeting was held July 28 at the Hilton Oakland Airport. Bruce H. report is attached

New Business

· David Jayne stated that Fresno County maps are now on line.
· Need to combine committees. JT will check by-laws.
· Need nominations for next year’s officers. Will vote in September.
· Les B. stated that a Central Valley test site should happen next year according to PEGG.
· Dr. Nader stated that there is a new professor in the Geomatics Department. Dr. Ogaja is from Africa but received his PHD in Australia.
· February 08 CLSA conference is going to be held in Reno. It will be a CLSA conference only.
· A couple of local surveyors have contacted Valley Fever. Everyone needs to be careful.


The speaker for the evening was Gigi Cardoza, PLS of Caltrans Surveys here in Fresno. She gave us an update on the status of the Central Valley Spatial Reference Network, the Real-time GPS Network she has been working on with Caltrans. She also discussed the development of a Business Plan/Model for data sharing and how the local surveyor/CLSA Chapter can get involved.
Meeting was adjourned at 9:04 p.m.

Monday, August 6, 2007

Exam Results

The Licensing Statistics from BORPELS have been posted.

See all the information about the April 2007 Professional Engineer and Professional Land Surveyor Examination Statistics HERE. Click HERE to visit the California Board for Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors website.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

July 2007 - Chapter Meeting Minutes

July Meeting Minutes
July 12, 2007
Andiamo Restaurant
Clovis, CA

· The meeting was called to order at 6:38 p.m.
· Secretary's report was approved
· The Treasurer’s Report was approved, there is $4,492.52 in the checking account, and 3 new members joined last month.


· CLSA Board of Directors meeting in July 28 at the Hilton Oakland Airport

New Business

· David Jayne brought up some concerns with the map checking at the City of Fresno.
· City is requiring blue border to go to the section line, regardless of whether the road was dedicated in fee or as an easement.
· Can chapter set up a meeting, or maybe invite the City staff to attend one of our meetings?
· David Jayne to put something in writing.
· Mike Kirn is no longer going to be the City Engineer, David Coker will be filling in during the interim.
· Bring up issues at State meeting, see what they suggest.
· Reimbursement for attendance at State meetings: maybe submit reimbursement at same time as State so you get paid right away, chapter can get reimbursed later. Myabe place a conditioj on it that states funds must be available.


· Chris Bardon from California Surveying and Drafting Supply gave a demonstration of the Trimble VX Spatial Station.
· 1 second robotic, digital camera, scanner (less capabilities than standalone scanner)
· Main purpose is to integrate all of those funtions together for only randon scanner.
· Ability to have GPS and Conventional capabilities on one rod, with one data collector.
· Can access VRS network.
Meeting was adjourned at 8:55 p.m.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

May 2007 - Meeting Minutes

May Meeting Minutes
May 10, 2007
Andiamo Restaurant
Clovis, CA

· The meeting was called to order at 6:50 p.m.
· The Treasurer’s Report was approved, there is $3,884 in the checking account.

Representative's Report

· Bruce H. went to the state meeting in Ontario.
· 450 were in attendance at the state conference. They are looking into having a 1 day pass available for next year.
· July 31 deadline for membership roster.
· CELSOC has been asked to partner for Trigstar program.
· CLSA continues to be a strong supporter of continuing education, BORPELS strongly against making it mandatory.
· There were complaints about the LSIT exam requiring knowledge of programming.
· Board is asking individuals to submit problems and solutions for exam guide.
· Possible bowling tournament instead of golf tournament for next years CLSA conference.
· The conference auction raised approximately $30,000.
· CELSOC reported to Tom Taylor that CLSA did not comment on legal action, most notably the proposed changes to 8764.
· Possible change of paper size from 18" x 26" to 18" x 24"

GIS Committee

· ESRI is making a special attempt to get more surveyors to the conference in San Diego.
· South Carolina has seperate licensing for GIS mapper, boundary surveyor, topographic surveyor.


· Possible changes to SMA
· Owners certificate may need clarification as to whether a dedication is fee or easement. Also, it may be required to have legal descriptions of the dedications on the owners certificate.
· NCEES is pushing for continuing education, they sponser classes.
· Some people were not allowed to take the state PLS exam since they were sent to the wrong room. They were offered an opportunity to take the exam two weeks later at a different testing site.

New business

· No more proposed legal descriptions for lot line adustments in Fresno County, only the exhibit drawing will be reviewed for zoning, etc.


The speaker was Ric Moore, new staff surveyor at BORPELS.

· Board has a staff engineer for every discipline.
· LS position is a consultant.
· Ric reviews the exam application.
· Ric works with exam development committee, but does not develop exam. He also works with enforcement cases.
· Board needs contract surveyors for enforcement cases. Any LS in good standing can apply.
· Unlicensed practice is the most difficult for the board to stop. There needs to be a lot of evidence.
· Six full time enforcement analysts at the board, they are looking for one more.
· Is ag land leveling defined as surveying? It actually is defined as seperated, but it has to be for the intention of planting crops.
· TAC (Technical Advisory Committee) has not been around for 5 years because of budget issues. They did have one meeting in February and one more is scheduled.
· How is machine control for grading work different than land leveling for ag purposes? Some contractors are digitizing grading plans and hiring surveyors to do control, then the surveyors do the as builts. It is mostly used for rough rading, al else is staked by the surveyor. This is now being investigated by the board.
· Are union halls in violation of the law if they are not under direct supervision of an RCE or LS?
· Record of Survey for ALTA? Depends, if any conditions of 8762 exist, then yes.
· Maybe let surveyors file ALTA's in Miscellaneous Maps? Problem-could be evidence you need to file a record of survey.
· Is it reasonable to copyright work given to maching control contractors?
Meeting was adjourned at 8:55 p.m.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

April 2007 - Meeting Minutes

April Meeting Minutes
April 12, 2007
Andiamo Restaurant
Clovis, CA

· The meeting was called to order at 6:55 p.m.
· The March minutes were approved.
· The Treasurer’s Report was approved, there is $3,879.84 in the checking account.

Membership Committee

· There was discussion that maybe we should try to tie local membership into the state membership to get more members. The state may think the bookeeping is too complicated.

Scholarship Committee

· The chapter recieved a letter from Norman P. Gentry thanking CLSA for having the W.O. Gentry scholarship.

GIS Committee

· The ESRI Surveying Summit is in June at the San Diego Convention Center
· CLSA now has a GIS liason

Student Committee

· Students would like speaker ideas for the conference next year.
· Chris Bardon at CSDS volunteered to give a presentation
· Possible speakers: Dennis Mouland, Tom Taylor, Dave Doyle, Mark Cheves
· More students are interested in joining the chapter.
· J.T. suggested making a special commitee for the CLSA "Choose your path, make your mark" video.


· CLSA-WFPS Conference at Rancho Bernardo Inn in San Diego April 15-18
· CLSA Board of Directors meeting May 5 at 10:30, at the Hilton Ontario Airport.
· CSDS Open House May 3, presentations, BBQ

Round Table Discussion

The topic for the discussion was “Do you think California should have a minimum standards law for surveyors? Why or why not?”

· Do we need to set guidelines for ourselves? Many guidelines in Subdivision Map Act, LS Act, ALTA/ACSM Standards.
· Standards keep everyone on the same page.
Meeting was adjourned at 8:40 p.m.

Thursday, March 8, 2007

March 2007 - Meeting Minutes

March Meeting Minutes
March 8, 2007
Andiamo Restaurant
Clovis, CA

The meeting was called to order at 6:45 p.m.

The February minutes were approved.

The Treasurer’s Report was approved, there is approximately $4,000 in the checking account.

Representatives Report

Need volunteer for alternate Chapter Rep-Anne volunteered
Dr. Nader volunteered to be the alternate to the alternate.

Membership Committee

Only 16 paid members so far, everyone needs to get their dues in. It was decided that a mailer would be put together to remind people to get their dues paid. The mailer will be a postcard directing people to go to the website and download the membership application. Gary volunteered to pay the postage.

Student Committee

Next year’s Geomatics Conference will be held January 24-26 at Veterans Memorial Building in downtown Clovis.
Khae Saetern will be the Chair of the Conference.
Any ideas for speakers?
Kevin to post conference info on website.


It was just discovered that Inyo County is within our chapter area.
State CLSA conference coming up in April near San Diego.
Brian has lots of spots open for anyone that would like to join the national guard. Here is an opportunity to gain surveying experience and get school paid for.

Round Table Discussion

The topic for the discussion was “Do you think California should have a continuing education requirement for surveyors? Why or why not?”

Many surveyors are not interested in attending meetings or going to training.
How does it work? You must attend conferences & seminars. For every hour spent, you get 1 PDH (Professional Development Hours). Most states require 13 PDH hours a year, and some states will require that courses be pre-approved.
Must keep good records, not may states keep track for you. You must keep backup in case you are audited.
There is no testing involved.
In the past, CLSA has tried to set something like this up, but in the end decided to make it voluntary. There is always a lot of opposition from Non-CLSA members.
There are only about 8 states left that do not require continuing education.
Classes are tax deductible.

Meeting was adjourned at 8:00 p.m.

Thursday, February 8, 2007

February 2007 - Meeting Minutes

February Meeting Minutes
February 8, 2007
Andiamo Restaurant
Clovis, CA

The meeting was called to order at 6:36 p.m.

The November minutes were approved.

The Treasurer’s Report was approved.

Representatives Report

New officers were sworn in
Some counties are talking about not maintaining records of old maps, just scanning electronically and throwing originals away. There was some talk about CLSA taking care of original maps.
Representatives report approved

Website Committee

Kevin Nehring has spent a lot of time on the website, everyone is encouraged to check in often for new information.

Scholarship Committee

Marisol Serrano and Kelly Bibb were the recipients of this year’s chapter scholarship.

Student Committee

Alex Calder and Javier Marquez volunteered to help out with the student committee.


Only 11 paid members so far
Kevin received a check from state CLSA for $179.34, not sure what it is for?
Jas Arnold is involved in a surveying promotion plan for high schools. There is a pamphlet being sent out to all high schools in the state, and CLSA is encouraging members to contact the local high schools and volunteer to speak about surveying.
Average age of a licensed surveyor in the state of California is 58
CLSA conference coming up in April, this year it will be held in San Diego
Corner Records-County is now asking for 2 sheets instead of 1, in conflict with Business and Professions code. A letter needs to be sent to CLSA.


The speaker for the February meeting was Dr. Crossfield from the Fresno State Geomatics program. He discussed how this year’s Geomatics Conference went.

Conference began by Ed Kuhlan in 1958
Less exhibitor spaces this year
$88,000 in scholarships divided up between 42 students
Auction raised $6,000
$821,000 in scholarships since 1985
Meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m.